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jmvReadWrite 0.4.9


  • added parameter rtnOut to jmvOpn (preventing the output from system2 to be returned, used for the jamovi module Rj)

Bug fixes:

jmvReadWrite 0.4.8

CRAN release: 2024-11-09


  • added distances_omv: calculate a wide range of distance measures (either between variables or between units of observation) on standardized or the original data

Bug fixes:

  • improved the treatment of factors and how they are stored
  • corrected a bug in the unit tests resulting from that R 4.5 (current development) begins to treat Date variables as integers

jmvReadWrite 0.4.7

CRAN release: 2024-07-09


  • added transform_vars_omv: apply transformations - calculating the square root, the logarithm to the base 10 or an inversion - to make variables (better) conform to a normal contribution (incl. unit tests)

Bug fixes:

  • fixed small bugs in read_omv and write_omv to better handle variable labels

jmvReadWrite 0.4.6

CRAN release: 2024-05-22


  • added workflow for rhub
  • reduced cyclomatic complexity for replace_omv, wide2long_omv, and jmvAtt

Bug fixes:

  • ensure that the dataType attribute is preserved / honoured by write_omv (earlier on, the data type of a variable / column was determined by a logic and my have changed the class of this column)
  • fixed a bug leading to an error in write_omv when columns where completely empty (i.e., if they contained only NAs; incl. the respective unit tests)

jmvReadWrite 0.4.5

CRAN release: 2024-04-04

Bug fix:

  • change long2wide_omv so that it to handle (omit) NAs when aggregating values (incl. unit tests)

jmvReadWrite 0.4.4

CRAN release: 2024-02-27


  • added var_labels_omv (assign labels to variables in a data set; including unit tests, and files for the tests and the examples)

jmvReadWrite 0.4.3

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • replaced sapply with vapply or lapply (in accordance with goodpractice)
  • reducing cyclomatic complexity to 30
  • fixed bugs and created test cases for rplAtt (replace non-UTF with UTF characters, part of read_omv)
  • added invisible(NULL)where NULL or nothing was returned
  • adjust strsplit in long2wide_omv and wide2long_omv in order to permit having “.” as varSep
  • added codemeta.json, badge about package status, and how to contribute to the package (for pkgcheck)
  • added documentation of return value to convert_to_omv

jmvReadWrite 0.4.2

CRAN release: 2023-11-22

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • check for empty rows and missing values within varID in merge_cols_omv
  • corrected replacement of numerical values in replace_omv
  • replaced all occurrences of library(jmvReadWrite)
  • smaller corrections to the documentation (added parameter descriptions)
  • added unit tests for replace_omv (replacement in character columns)
  • adjusted wide2long_omv in order to accept NULL for varID

jmvReadWrite 0.4.1

CRAN release: 2023-10-05

Bug fix:

  • ensure that the examples, tests and creating the vignette also works when jmv is not present

jmvReadWrite 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-16

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • added describe_omv (put a title and a description at the top of a data set), search_omv (finding values in a data set) and replace_omv (replacing values in a data set with other values)
  • improved handling in jamovi (if jmvReadWrite is run in jamovi modules, e.g., Rj, a new jamovi session is opened with the data set that was modified by one of the helper functions)
  • improved handling of the jamovi protocol buffers (currently used for extracting jmv-syntax in the data sets, but with the perspective of creating analyses from jmv-syntax)
  • update the content of index.html (generated when writing data set with write_omv to be in line with more recent versions of jamovi)
  • added attaching dataType and measureType attributes to a data frame when write_omv is called from within jamovi (while ensuring not to overwrite existing measureType / dataType attributes)
  • enforce jmv-id-status for ID-variable if the variable is unique in long2wide_omv
  • removed fleOut from inp2DF (making it impossible to attach fleOut as attribute to a data frame) - earlier, the output file name could be “assembled” by adding a suffix to the input file name, with leaving fleOut empty to return the resulting data frame that became obsolete
  • added drop = FALSE in sort_omv to prevent reduction to a vector
  • added further unit-tests for globals, read_omv, and write_omv
  • improved the documentation (adding missing information, better formatting, etc.)

jmvReadWrite 0.3.8

CRAN release: 2023-07-15

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • adjustments to make jmvReadWrite more suited for using it together with the jamovi-module jTransform (
  • implement reading both data frames or file names for merge_cols_omv and merge_rows_omv (incl. phasing out fleInp as parameter for the helper functions: it now throws an error to prevent using it)
  • initial handling of weights in read_omv and write_omv
  • improvements and corrections for long2wide_omv (added aggregation, mean or take first, and fixed a bug that led to incorrect naming of variables when transforming complex data sets)
  • improvements and corrections for wide2long_omv (added parameter excLvl, to prevent that measurements (if there are more than one) are also transformed to long; fixed a bug that led to incorrect an order of values within variables when transforming complex data sets)
  • improved unit tests (implementation of regular expressions for expect_error and expect_warning, bug-fixes and additional coverage)
  • improvements to setting attributes (setAtt, e.g., from the metadata to the data frame and vice versa)
  • improved handling of factors with numerical values (measureType Nominal or Ordinal and dataType Integer)
  • added function jmvAtt to attach the attributes measureType and dataType to data frames coming from inside jamovi (i.e., when jmvReadWrite is used in modules, e.g., Rj) OBS: rather for internal use and thus not exported, use jmvReadWrite:::jmvAtt() to call it
  • smaller bug fixes (typos, to ensure consistency in naming, etc.)

jmvReadWrite 0.3.7

CRAN release: 2023-07-03

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • added transpose_omv (transpose data frame and write the resulting jamovi-file)
  • enable to have either data frames or strings with a file name as input to the helper functions arrange_cols_omv, long2wide_omv, wide2long_omv, sort_omv, and transpose_omv
  • preserve attributes when merging columns (merge_cols_omv)
  • changed R-package that handles JSON files from RJSON to jsonlite
  • bug fixes: added a check in fmtFlO to ensure that the output files are in jamovi-format (.omv); removed typos, etc.

jmvReadWrite 0.3.6

CRAN release: 2023-06-26

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • added arrange_cols_omv (to change the order of variables / columns in jamovi-files)
  • added the parameter psvAnl to preserve the analyses in data files (only for arrange_cols_omv, merge_cols_omv, sort_omv where it makes sense – there the number of rows / participants / units doesn’t change)
  • bug fixes: corrected an error in chkFle, removed duplicate functions from globals.R

jmvReadWrite 0.3.5

CRAN release: 2023-05-27

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • fixed an error that led to a warning when adding columns (to make different data frames have the same set of variables) in merge_cols_omv
  • added logo and citation

jmvReadWrite 0.3.4

CRAN release: 2023-05-06

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • fixed an error that led to a crash when an ID variable contained empty values (““)
  • general bug fixes and improvements (removing ;s as suggested by lintr, etc.)

jmvReadWrite 0.3.3

CRAN release: 2022-08-09

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • made replacements using regular expressions compatible with R >= 4.3 (changing occurrences of replacement pattern that included \xNN)
  • improvements to wide2long_omv and long2wide_omv (those can now handle several factors, not only one)
  • improvement to how write_omv handles / stores factors (those are now zero-based to be in accordance with most programming languages including Python and C++ used in the jamovi engine)
  • simplify handling variables with the measurement type “ID” (converted to / treated as character)
  • simplify handling variable labels (now, the attribute label, e.g., from importing files using haven, is converted to the jamovi-conforming jmv-desc)
  • adding further the unit tests
  • changed web-addresses into their canonical format (i.e., including protocol and angle brackets; for help, documentation, etc.)
  • general bug fixes and improvements (simplifying the code)

jmvReadWrite 0.3.2

CRAN release: 2022-05-21

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • added a warning about packages that are required when the extraction of syntax can’t be carried out due to these missing dependencies

jmvReadWrite 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2022-02-28

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • fixed a “bug” in a testthat-condition that resulted in an error on several systems

jmvReadWrite 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2022-02-13

Enhancements and bug fixes:

  • added a couple of helper functions: convert_to_omv (converts data sets from other formats - CSV, R, SPSS, SAS, Stata - to .omv) merge_cols_omv (merges two or more data sets by concatenating columns) merge_rows_omv (merges two or more data sets by concatenating rows) long2wide_omv (converts data sets from long to wide, e.g., for running mixed-model-analyses in jamovi) wide2long_omv (converts data sets from wide to long, e.g., for running mixed-model-analyses in jamovi) sort_omv (sorts the dataset according to one or more variable)
  • implemented unit tests and code coverage for read_omv, write_omv, convert_to_omv, merge_cols_omv, merge_rows_omv, long2wide_omv, wide2long_omv, sort_omv
  • implemented treating variables in read_omv and write_omv as ordered factor if measureType has the value Ordinal
  • default for sveAtt in read_omv (now TRUE; it makes more sense to store this attributes be default since write_omv will give you an exact copy of the original data set if they are stored and the helper functions above also respect and adjust them)

jmvReadWrite 0.2.4

CRAN release: 2022-01-20

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • fixed an error when assembling the file name in write_omv, added assembling the file name with normalizePath to read_omv
  • fixed missing retDbg-parameter in one of the examples

jmvReadWrite 0.2.3

CRAN release: 2022-01-19

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • use zip R-package instead of utils to prevent that no ZIP-executable-file is found on Windows (utils::zip only works in cases where a zip.exe is found on the path)
  • use the (session-specific) temporary directory for creating files to be zipped and those files extracted
  • improved handling of the different variable types, implemented logical / boolean variables / data columns
  • improved handling of column attributes
  • added parameter retDbg (default: FALSE) to write_omv so that output for debugging is only produced upon setting it

jmvReadWrite 0.2.2

CRAN release: 2021-09-20

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • bug fix in read_omv (some libraries required for syntax extraction are not available on certain platforms (Solaris, Windows with MinGW)
  • added documentation (pkgdown) in docs/
  • set up examples and lintr

jmvReadWrite 0.2.1

CRAN release: 2021-08-23

Bug fixes and enhancements:

  • bug in write_omv fixed (@MAgojam, #2); jamovi could not read the manifest (meta) when the file was created with write_omv on Windows (LF + CR, but only CR expected / decoded)
  • updated the Created-by in the manifest string to use the jmvReadWrite version
  • improved the README (switched it to be generated from Rmd so that the vignette could be included

jmvReadWrite 0.2.0


  • renamed jmvRead to read_omv, and jmvWrite into write_omv
  • extracts syntax from analyses contained in the .omv-file (set the parameter getSyn = TRUE; default is FALSE)
  • imports the output from the .omv-file (set the parameter getHTM = TRUE; default is FALSE)

jmvReadWrite 0.1.0

CRAN release: 2020-09-16

  • first implementation, reads (jmvRead) and writes (jmvWrite) files using a file format similar to jamovi 1.2 (can be read with more recent versions)