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Write files to be used with the statistical spreadsheet 'jamovi' (


  dtaFrm = NULL,
  fleOut = "",
  wrtPtB = FALSE,
  frcWrt = FALSE,
  retDbg = FALSE



Data frame to be exported (default: NULL)


Name / position of the output file to be generated ("FILENAME.omv"; default: "")


Whether to write protocol buffers (see Details; default: FALSE)


Whether to overwrite existing files with the same name (see Details; default: FALSE)


Whether to return a list with debugging information (see Value; default: FALSE)


a list (if retDbg == TRUE), containing the meta data (mtaDta, metadata.json in the OMV-file), the extended data (xtdDta, xdata.json in the OMV-file) and the original data frame (dtaFrm)


  • jamovi has a specific measurement level / type "ID" (in addition to the "standard" ones "Nominal", "Ordinal", and "Continuous"). "ID" is used for columns that contain some form of ID (e.g., a participant code). In order to set a variable of your data frame to "ID", you have to set the attribute jmv-id (e.g., attr(dtaFrm$column, "jmv-id") = TRUE).

  • CAUTION: Setting wrtPtB to TRUE currently overwrites analyses that already exist in a data file. It is meant to be used for describe_omv only. If you set wrtPtB to TRUE, ensure to use an output file name that isn't would not overwrite any existing file. Protocol buffers are used to exchange data between the different parts of jamovi (the server and the client) and also the format in which analyses are stored in the jamovi data files.

  • write_omv checks whether the output file already exists and throws an error if this is the case. frcWrt permits you to overwrite the existing file.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# use the data set "ToothGrowth" and, if it exists, write it as
# jamovi-file using write_omv()
nmeOut <- tempfile(fileext = ".omv")
# typically, one would use a "real" file name instead of tempfile(),
# e.g., "Data1.omv"
dtaDbg = jmvReadWrite::write_omv(dtaFrm = ToothGrowth, fleOut = nmeOut, retDbg = TRUE)
# the print-function is only used to force devtools::run_examples()
# to show output
# -> "mtaDta" "xtdDta" "dtaFrm"
# returns a list with the metadata (mtaDta, e.g., column and data type),
# the extended data (xtdDta, e.g., variable lables), and the data frame
# (dtaFrm) the purpose of these variables is merely for checking (under-
# standing the file format) and debugging

# check whether the file was written to the disk, get the file informa-
# tion (size, etc.) and delete the file afterwards
print(list.files(dirname(nmeOut), basename(nmeOut)))
# -> "file[...].omv" ([...] is a combination of random numbers / characters
# -> approx. 2600 (size may differ on different OSes)
} # }